Subsidies from the Social Security Fund
Program type: Accident prevention subsidy program for premium payers.
Program name: Project on maintaining the ability to work throughout the working life
Funding in the amount of 260,000.00 PLN
The total value of the Project is 534,030.60 PLN
Contract signing date: January, 2024
The main objective of the planned investments is to improve working conditions in several areas. The scopes include relieving stress on workers, providing safe conditions for working at height, using a hazard warning system, minimizing the risk of hydrogen vapor explosion, and providing an evacuation lighting system.
In order to achieve its goal, the company plans to take action in the form of purchases:
- EJD 120 drawbar forklift,
- Sinoboom GTJZ0608 ME scissor lift,
- Warehouse warning system,
- eave battery charging stations
- Installation of emergency and evacuation lighting.